What are we doing to keep you safe
Safety Procedures
During this uncertain time, we must be extra vigilant about keeping ourselves and each other safe. As we begin to open up again and continue to see patients, we want to ensure that we are respecting social distancing with the appropriate safety precautions. For your safety, you may notice that your eye exam might look a little different. Below are some of the changes you may notice and should be aware of on your next visit.
Protective barriers: optical equipment is outfitted with breath shields for slit lamp, phoropter, and pupillometer
All staff will maintain proper hand washing schedules, particularly before and after each patient interaction
Staff, patients and customers will be screened for any exposure to themselves or family members to COVID-19 or if they have travelled outside Canada in the last 14 days
Hand sanitizing stations will be available at office entrance and must be used by anyone entering the clinic
Anyone entering the office, including patients, MUST wear a mask (if over the age of 2)
Waiting rooms have been rearranged to maintain proper physical distancing (>2m)
Patients are recommended to arrive to their appointment alone unless another person is required (eg. translator, caretaker, parent)
A maximum of 4 customers or patients will be permitted into the office at a time and maximum of 1 patient in the exam room
New tele-optometry services are available where in-person evaluation is not necessary
New contactless procedures available for payment, prescription and invoice
Facility will be cleaned following a strict schedule as outlined by our Standard Operating Procedures
During the exam, patients are asked not to speak while the optometrist is in close proximity conducting the exam. Also a special dropping technique will be used if dilation is required
Advanced Retinal Scanning procedures available such as Fundus photography and OCT where dilation may be contraindicated