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Contact Lenses

Child with Contact Lens

The Contact Lenses Exam


Contact lenses are medical devices that allow you to see without glasses.  Special care is taken when prescribing for contact lenses which differs to a regular prescription for glasses.  These days, you can choose from hundreds of brands of contact lenses.  Some people do not realize that each are different and some are definitely better than others.  It is for this reason that optometrists complete contact lenses fittings to ensure that you are only using contact lenses that are healthy, comfortable and provide the best vision possible for you.


Through a proper contact lenses fitting, we take many factors into consideration.  The process begins with an evaluation of your last eye exam.  If you have not had one recently, it is a must (you wouldn't make glasses based on your vision 2 years ago, would you?).  With that information we can discuss when you would like to wear the contact lenses, whether it is for full time wear or maybe just for sports.  Based on these factors, together we can decide on which modality would be ideal for you:

  • daily disposable

  • bi-weekly disposable

  • monthly disposable


Other tests and measurements your optometrist will take into account:​

  • Would a rigid gas permeable lens be better for you or a soft lens

  • Toric - will astigmatism be a factor in your vision

  • Presbyopia - do you need to see at distance or near with these contacts

  • Keratometry - measuring the shape of the cornea in terms too steep or too flat.  This affects the size of the contact lens

  • Iris/pupil measurement - horizontal and vertical measurements are taken into consideration so the contact lens provides full coverage and is stable, not too big or small

  • tear film assessment - your eye is coated by a tear film that covers your eyes.  Unstable tear film can definitely affect comfortable and dryness of the lenses.


Some contacts lenses are designed for people who have dry eye, some might be better for those constantly on the computer, or other contact lenses for people who are outdoor.  Once measurements are taken, a specific contact lens will be recommended to you based on your individual needs.  This lens will be selected with a specific  diameter, base curve, power, type and brand of contact lenses.   


Once an initial pair of contact lenses is selected, you will schedule a follow up appointment so we know our selection worked for you.  At the completion of the fitting, you will be provided with a CONTACT LENSES prescription.  


A contact lens fitting is required for first time wearers of contacts or highly recommended if you are not happy with your current brand you are wearing.  





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